Lesson 4 Open a Book, Open Your Mind
Listen and Speak 2
동아출판사 중학영어 동아 이병민 중학교 3학년 4단원 음원자료입니다.
B: Did you enjoy the movie?
G: Yes, I liked it a lot.
B: What did you like most about it?
G: The acting was so great.
B: I’m with you on that.
B: Hey, Jessica.
Why are you always drinking energy drinks?
G: Because they help me stay awake.
B: I’m with you on that, but they have too much caffeine.
G: Well, they help me focus on my studies.
B: Did you know that too much caffeine can hurt your bones?
G: Oh, I didn't know that.
B: I think you should drink energy drinks less often.
G: Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Tom.
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