Lesson 4 Opening a Window to the World
천재교과서 중학교 3학년 영어교과서 이재영 4과 대화문 쉐도잉 연습자료입니다. 열공하세요^^
M: Welcome to the Tourist Information Office!
How may I help you?
W: Hi, I wonder if there‘s a tourist map of the town.
M: Sure. Is there a special place you‘re looking for?
W: Yes. I‘d like to try some local food.
M: Then go to Jeongseon Market.
It opens every five days, and it‘s open today.
W: I‘m so lucky. How can I get there?
M: You can walk there.
It takes about 10 minutes.
W: Great. Will you mark the way on the map, please?
M: Sure. Try gondrebap when you get there.
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