Lesson 1 My Bucket List
■바람, 소망 말하기
A: I hope I can travel to Europe this summer.
B: That sounds great.
■계획 묻고 답하기
A: What are you planning to do at the school festival?
B: I’m planning to sell snacks.
I think the guitar has the most beautiful sound of all musical instruments.
■목적을 나타내는 to부정사
I will put more effort into studying math to overcome my weakness.
Lesson 2 Let’s Be Smart Smartphone Users
A: I’m always late for school. What should I do?
B: You should set an alarm on your smartphone.
A: Can I eat this pizza?
B: Sure. Just make sure you wash your hands first.
■to부정사의 형용사적 용법
Here are some tips to protect your health.
It makes your eyes feel tired and dry to read small letters on a smartphone for a long time.
Lesson 3 The School Club Activity Day
■능력 여부 묻기
A: I don’t know how to swim. Do you know how to?
B: Yes, I can teach you.
■좋아하는 것 표현하기
A: What do you enjoy doing when you have free time?
B: I enjoy painting pictures of people in the park.
■의문사 + to부정사
We also teach children how to play musical instruments as a service to our community.
■주격 관계대명사
Anyone who likes to paint can join.
Lesson 4 The Two Roads
■걱정 표현하기와 안심시키기
A: I’m worried about your health.
B: Don’t worry. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow.
■의견 묻기
A: What do you think of my bike?
B: It looks light and fast.
I have lived quietly and well.
■접속사 if
How can we know if we don’t try?
Lesson 5 We Love Baseball
■선호하는 것 묻고 답하기
A: Which story book do you like? Peter Pan or The Last Leaf.
B: I like Peter Pan.
■희망, 기대 표현하기
A: What are you going to do on your vacation?
B: I’m going to take a boat ride. I can’t wait.
Jian, this is your first time to come to the baseball stadium, isn’t it?
The numbers were determined by the players’ batting order.
Lesson 6 New Places, New Experiences
■경험 묻기
A: Have you ever traveled to another country?
B: Yes, I have. It was a wonderful experience.
■만족이나 불만족에 대해 묻기
A: How do you like this shirt?
B: I like it. It’s colorful.
■원인과 결과를 나타내는 ‘so ~ that’
It was so delicious that I asked for more.
■목적격 관계대명사
It was from the khorkhog that she was cooking for us.
Lesson 7 Living in the AI World
■의견 표현하기
A: I’m going to fly a drone.
B: That sounds like fun.
■가능 여부 표현하기
A: Is it possible for you to text with your eyes closed?
B: Sure. I can do that.
■지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적격 보어 (현재분사/원형부정사)
I see a cat crossing the street.
■가주어 ‘it’
It is hard to believe that you can understand us.
Lesson 8 The Unknown Hero
■알고 있는지 묻기
A: Do you know anything about King Sejong?
B: No, I don’t.
■설명 요청하기
A: Could you explain the rules of bisachigi?
B: Each player throws a stone at another stone.
■동사 + 목적어 + to부정사(구)
Japanese officials pressed him to build Japanese houses.
■현재분사, 과거분사
Through his efforts, we now have Bukchon filled with its beautiful hanoks .
Lesson 9 Manners Make the Man
■약속 정하기
A: How about going to the hot spring on Thursday at 2:00? Can you make it?
B: Yes. That would be great.
A: Don’t forget to turn off your cellphone in the theater.
B: Okay, I won’t.
Today’s quiet concerts began in the 19th century when many big concert halls were built.
We do not know what concerts will look like in the future.
Special Lesson
Charlotte's Web
중3 지학 민찬규 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문
중3 지학 민찬규 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문
Lesson 1 We Can Make a Difference 의사소통기능 ■걱정·염려 묻기 What’s the matter? ■기원하기 I hope these stickers will be helpful. 언어형식 ■관계대명사 what This is what we wanted. ■지각동사 + 목적어 + 목적격
고1 능률 김성곤 4과 본문 한줄해석 Put a Roof over Someone’s Head
고1 능률 김성곤 4과 본문 한줄해석 Put a Roof over Someone’s Head
Put a Roof over Someone’s Head 다른 사람의 집을 지어주다 Sometimes you may feel upset when you wake up suddenly from a nightmare, but you can always let out a sigh of relief. 때로 악몽을 꾸다가 갑자기 깨어나면 기분이 나쁠
고1 금성 최인철 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 9과 10과 전체 본문
고1 금성 최인철 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 9과 10과 전체 본문
고등학교 1학년 영어 교과서 금성 출판사 최인철 전단원 본문 영어 텍스트 자료 공유합니다. 직접 편집한 자료이니 안심하시고 사용하세요~~ Lesson 1 Getting Off to a Great Start 한국 고등학생이 영어
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