Lesson 1 Off to a Good Start
■의도나 계획 묻고 답하기
A : What are you planning to do this weekend?
B : I’m planning to see a movie.
A : I’m planning to go to the ballpark.
B : Why don’t you buy ticket first?
■주격 관계대명사
I want to have a friend who makes me happy.
■접속사 if (조건)
If it is sunny, I will go to the beach.
중2 천재 이재영 1과 본문 변형 문제 - 영어과외TV
Lesson 1 Off to a Good Start
Lesson 2 Connecting with the World
■음식 권하고 답하기
A : Would you like some bibimbap
B : Yes, please. / No, thanks.
■표현의 의미 확인하기
A : What do you mean by “landmarks”
B : I mean important places or special buildings.
■목적격 관계대명사
The woman whom I love most is my grandma.
■의문사 + to부정사
I can’t decide what to eat first.
중2 천재 이재영 2과 본문 변형 문제 - 영어과외TV
Lesson 2 Connecting with the World
Lesson 3 Healthy Life, Happy Life
■증상 묻고 답하기
A : What’s wrong with you?
B : I have a toothache.
■약속 정하기
A : Can you make it at three?
B : That’s fine with me.
■It ~ to부정사
It is good to exercise regularly.
■형용사 역할을 하는 to부정사
I need something to eat for lunch.
중2 천재 이재영 3과 영어 본문 변형문제 - 영어과외TV
Germs: The War Inside
Lesson 4 Earth, Our Only Home
■허락 구하기
A : Is it okay to put up a poster?
B : Sure, go ahead.
A : Can I feed the animal?
B : No, you’re not supposed to do that.
This shirt was designed by my sister.
■‘as ~ as’를 이용한 원급 비교
Grandma is as old as that tree.
Lesson 5 Understanding Others
■희망이나 바람 표현하기
A : I have an important exam tomorrow.
B : I hope you’ll do well on the exam.
■외모 묘사하기
A : What does he look like?
B : He has brown hair and brown eyes.
■want / ask / tell + 목적어 + to부정사
Parents want their children to be honest.
■접속사 before와 after
Before she has breakfast, Dora puts on her uniform.
Lesson 6 Near and Dear
■불만 표현하기
A : I’m not happy with this restaurant.
B : What’s the problem?
A : The food is too salty.
A : I’m going to go hiking.
B : Don’t forget to take water.
■make / have / let + 목적어 + 동사원형
I will let Robby have a pet.
■too ~ to부정사
The child is too short to ride the roller coaster.
Lesson 7 A Life Full of Fun
■경험 묻고 답하기
A : Have you ever touched a snake?
B : No, I haven’t.
■절차 묻고 답하기
A : Do you know how to make fried rice?
B : Sure. It’s easy. First, cut the vegetables into small pieces. Next, ....
Ms. Green has studied Spanish for three years.
■명사를 꾸미는 분사
Look at the falling leaves.
Lesson 8 Viva, South America!
■알고 있는지 묻기
A : Do you know what the capital of Peru is?
B : Yes, it’s Lima.
■놀람 표현하기
A : You know what? Dogs can smile.
B : Really? That’s surprising!
Suji is the tallest student in our school.
Do you know how old the building is?
무료 유료 기출문제 사이트 BEST 4 (족보닷컴, 내신코치, 이그잼포유, 기출비) 총정리
중고등학생들은 시험을 치르기 전에 기출문제를 풀어보는 것이 중요합니다. 그래서 이번에는 내신코치, 족보닷컴, 이그젬 포유, 기출비라는 네 가지 기출문제 사이트를 추천해드리려고 합니다.
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