Lesson 1 Great Things about Yourself
■능력 표현하기
I’m good at jumping rope.
■확신 표현하기
I’m sure it’s going to rain soon.
■주격 관계대명사
She told me about her coworkers who had special talents.
■접속사 while, after
While I was walking home, I saw a woman on a scooter. After I got home, I began to write a new graphic novel.
Lesson 2 Where Do People Live?
■의향 묻고 답하기
A : What kind of house do you want to live in?
B: I want to live in a cave house.
■위치 묻고 답하기
A : Where can I find men’s hats?
B: You can find them on the first floor.
People have built wooden houses for a long time.
■each + 단수 명사
Each house is big enough for a whole village.
Lesson 3 My Travel, My Way
■경험 묻고 답하기
A: Have you ever eaten pancakes?
B: Yes, I have.
■날씨 묻고 답하기
A: How’s the weather in London in March?
B: It’s rainy and cool.
■to부정사의 형용사적 용법
A B&B is a popular place to stay in England.
■가주어 it ~ to부정사
It was just amazing to see the ring of huge stones.
Lesson 4 Giving a Hand
■도움 요청하기
Can you do me a favor?
Thank you for sharing your umbrella with me.
■목적격 관계대명사
He was the person who(m) Kenneth respected the most in the world.
■so ~ that 구문
He was so happy that he jumped for joy.
Lesson 5 Bravo! Brava!
Why don’t we see a magic show?
■약속 정하기
A : What time shall we meet?
B: How about 10 o’clock on Saturday?
■접속사 if
You will appreciate it better if you know the story.
■as + 형용사[부사]의 원급 + as
Turandot is as cold as ice.
Lesson 6 Food in History
■선호하는 것 묻고 답하기
A : Do you prefer summer or winter?
B: I prefer summer.
■추천 부탁하기
Could you recommend a book for me?
This dish was called tangpyeongchae.
■something/someone + 형용사
King Yeongjo offered them something special.
Lesson 7 Think Big, Start Small
■알고 있음 표현하기
I’ve heard our music teacher is getting married.
■상기시켜 주기
A : I’m going to go hiking.
B: Don’t forget to take a bottle of water.
■5형식 동사 + 목적어 + 형용사
Add some bleach to keep the water clear.
Let me just put your phone in a glass.
Lesson 8 Have Fun This Winter!
■관심 있는 것 말하기
I’m interested in reading history books.
■빈도 묻고 답하기
A : How often do you clean your room?
B: I clean my room once a week.
Gunnar saw the river ice cracking.
■tell/want/ask + 목적어 + to부정사
Gunnar told Balto to continue on.
중2 금성 최인철 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문 pdf
중2 금성 최인철 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문 pdf
Lesson 1 My Special Interests 의사소통기능 ■좋아하는 것 묻기 What’s your favorite club? ■관심 표현하기 I’m interested in the photo club. 언어형식 ■조건의 부사절 lf you are interested in saving the planet, please join
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올림포스 독해의 기본1 8강 단어빈칸 음원(mp3) 문장별 분할 듣기
올림포스 독해의 기본 1 Unit 8 Analysis Choice is at the core of human experience at any age. This deep longing to choose our own purpose, beliefs, and actions, no matter what age we are, is fought for and defended in every home, particularly by ch
고1 천재 이재영 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고1 천재 이재영 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고등영어 천재 교과서 이재영 전단원 본문 텍스트 자료 편집하여 공유합니다. 공부하기 편하게 두 칼럼으로 나누어 놓았습니다. Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 본문 A Secret Mentor in the Locker Further Reading M
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