Lesson 1 My Special Interests
■좋아하는 것 묻기
What’s your favorite club?
■관심 표현하기
I’m interested in the photo club.
■조건의 부사절
lf you are interested in saving the planet, please join us.
Protecting our planet is important, isn’t it?
Lesson 2 Planting Seeds of Hope
The weather report said the yellow dust would be terrible today.
■기대 표현하기
We are looking forward to stopping the yellow dust.
■의문사 + to부정사
Most people did not know how to stop the yellow dust problem.
■so that ~
People began to cut down trees so that they could build cities.
Lesson 3 I'll Always Be There for You
■의견 표현하기
In my opinion, she is too famous.
■알고 있는지 묻기
You know about Helen Keller, don’t you?
■to부정사의 형용사적 용법
The poor girl needed somebody to take care of her.
■강조의 do
She did become a totally different person.
Lesson 4 Think Outside the Box
■궁금증 표현하기
I’m curious to know your answer.
■이해 점검하기
Are you with me?
Do you know what her nickname is?
She is called “Little Sherlock” by her neighbors.
Lesson 5 Where Do You Want to Go?
■길 묻기
How can I get there?
■기억이나 망각 표현하기
I can’t remember which one.
■형용사 + enough + to부정사
My great-grandfather is healthy enough to take a short trip.
He has always wanted to visit Geojedo.
Lesson 6 Smart Ways to Live Smart
■동의하기 / 이의 제기하기
I agree with you. / I disagree[don’t agree] with you.
■오해 지적하기
I’m afraid that’s not right.
■주격 관계대명사
Junho got angry and told the teacher who was very strict.
■가주어와 진주어
It is bad to hurt others’ feelings online.
Lesson 7 Understanding Differences Makes a Difference
■알고 있음 표현하기
I heard that it will rain tomorrow.
■주제 소개하기
I’d like to tell you about a website called “Culture Shock.”
■목적격 관계대명사
This is the website (that) you are looking for.
■관계대명사 what
I’m sure what she really meant was “yes.”
Lesson 8 Take Control of Your Life
■능력 부인하기
I don’t know how to be on a good diet.
Make sure you have at least some beans or eggs.
■too ~ to부정사
I am too old to run.
■가정법 과거
If I were free, I would be so happy.
중3 능률 김성곤 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문
중3 능률 김성곤 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문
Lesson 1 A Life Full of Experiences Functions ● 바람에 대해 묻고 답하기 A: What would you like to do this year? B: I’d like to travel to other countries. ● 만족이나 불만족에 대해 묻기 How do you like hiking? Forms ● I have bee
고1 동아 이병민 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고1 동아 이병민 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고등영어 동아 출판사 이병민 전단원 본문 영어 텍스트만 편집해서 공유합니다. 공부하시는데 조금이나마 도움이 되시길 바랍니다. Lesson 1 Hi, High School! 영어 교과서 외에도 다양한 학습 도구를
고등영어 능률 양현권 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전체 본문
고등영어 능률 양현권 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전체 본문
고등학교 영어 교과서 능률 양현권 전체 본문 영어 텍스트 자료 공유합니다. Lesson 1 Where Should I Begin? It Starts from Inside of Me https://youtu.be/59jKNJ67OpU Lesson 2 Be Smart, Be Healthy Be Smart, Be Healthy https://youtu.b
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