Lesson 1 Passion for Life
■정보 묻고 답하기
A : How was he able to become a famous reporter?
B : He practiced speaking with people in public.
■알고 있는지 묻기
A : Have you heard of Mia, the guitar player?
B : Yes, I have. I heard that she taught herself to play.
■too … to부정사
You knew that you were too far behind to win a medal.
■to부정사의 부정
For me and my country, it was important not to give up.
Lesson 2 Teens’ Worries
■동의나 이의 여부 표현하기
A : I think listening to music helps you relax.
B : I agree.
A : I’m worried about making friends at my new school.
B : Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll make a lot of friends.
Daeho, thinking that new things will make him more popular, often wants new things just because his friends have them.
■접속사 ‘if ’
You should just ask her if there is something wrong.
Lesson 3 Healthy Living, a Happy Life
A : I think it’s important to eat a good breakfast.
B : I think so, too.
■안타까움, 후회 표현하기
A : Your bag is too small.
B : Yes. I should have brought a bigger one.
■the + 비교급 ~, the + 비교급 …
The more sun you get, the more “happy hormone” the brain produces.
■It ~ that … 강조 구문
It is calcium that builds strong bones and teeth.
Lesson 4 Safety First
■의무 표현하기
A : You have to watch out for bees.
B : Okay, I will.
■가능성 정도 표현하기
A : You should do some warm-up exercises.
B : Why?
A : Jumping into cold water can be dangerous.
■접속사 although
Although camping trips can create sweet memories for many people, they can also be occasions when bad things happen.
■seem to + 동사원형
They seem to know what to do to make their camping trip safe and fun.
Lesson 5 Look Inside You
■설명 요청하기
A : What does “pull myself together” mean?
B : It means “to calm down.”
■대안 묻기
A : Are there any other sauces?
B : Sorry. Those are the only two we have.
■관계대명사 what
What you draw and how you draw it are related to your personality.
■현재완료 진행형
Doctors have been using various drawing tests to better understand people.
Lesson 6 Buy and Sell Wisely
■허가 여부 묻기
A : Do you mind if I lean my seat back?
B : No, not at all.
■제안, 권유, 요청에 답하기
A : Can I look around the stage?
B : I’m sorry. I’m afraid you can’t. It’s open only for the actors.
■as + 형용사/부사의 원급 + as
My old bike is almost as good as a new one.
He realized what he had done wrong.
Lesson 7 Small Ideas, Big Differences
■궁금증 표현하기
A : I wonder who those men are.
B : They are the Wright brothers.
■생각할 시간 요청하기
A : What can we do with these VR glasses?
B : Let me see.... We can play soccer.
■가정법 과거
The water inside would quickly boil over if the lid did not have that hole.
■so that ... can
The hole also prevents the window from fogging up so that you can enjoy that fantastic view.
Lesson 8 Healthy Food Around the World
■반복 요청하기
A : Have you ever tried rasmalai
B : Sorry, could you say that again?
A : Rasmalai.
A : Could you recommend a good traditional dish?
B : Try Samgyetang. It’ll give you energy.
■not only A but also B
Gogol -mogol is not only good for people with a cold but also popular as a dessert for healthy people.
■접속사 while
While people in Korea and Finland look for drinks when sick, many people in America want a bowl of chicken soup.
Special Lesson 1
Coach Carter
Special Lesson 2
A Christmas Miracle
영어1 능률 김성곤 1과 본문 한줄 해석 Can I Swim?
영어1 능률 김성곤 1과 본문 한줄 해석 Can I Swim?
한국 고등학생들은 영어를 공부하는 시간이 많습니다. 그러나 많은 학생들이 영어를 공부하는 방법을 잘 모르기 때문에 효과적으로 공부하지 못하고 있습니다. 한국 고등학교 학생들이 영어를
고1 천재 이재영 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고1 천재 이재영 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 본문
고등영어 천재 교과서 이재영 전단원 본문 텍스트 자료 편집하여 공유합니다. 공부하기 편하게 두 칼럼으로 나누어 놓았습니다. Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 본문 A Secret Mentor in the Locker Further Reading M
영어1 YBM 시사 한상호 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 전체 본문
영어1 YBM 시사 한상호 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 전체 본문
고등학교 영어 교과서 시사 YBM 한상호 전단원 본문 영어 텍스트 자료 공유합니다. 열심히 공부하시고 좋은 성과 거두시기를 바래요! Lesson 1 Learn from Failures Failure Is Our Friend Lesson 2 Technology and Life
'중학교 3학년 > 3학년 시사 송미정' 카테고리의 다른 글
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