Lesson 1 New School, New Friends
■안부 묻고 답하기
A : How are you doing today?
B : I’m great.
■소개하고 인사 나누기
A : This is my English teacher, Mr. Parker.
B : Hi. Pleased to meet you
■be동사, 일반동사의 현재형
My name is Kang Hosik.
I like cookies and doughnuts.
■be동사의 의문문과 부정문
Are you good at soccer?
- No, I’m not.
Lesson 2 I Love My Family
■요청하고 답하기
A : Can you wash the vegetables, please?
B : Sure. No problem. / Sorry, but I can’t.
■감사하고 답하기
A : Thank you for the flowers.
B : Don’t mention it.
■일반동사의 3인칭 단수 현재형
She sends nice text messages to me.
■일반동사의 부정문과 의문문
He doesn’t forget Kitty’s meal time.
Do you have a pet?
Lesson 3 Different Places, Different Food
■좋아하는 것 묻고 답하기
A : What’s your favorite food?
B : It’s sushi.
■ 음식 권유하고 권유에 답하기
A : Would you like some fruit salad?
B : Yes, please. / No, thanks. I’m already full.
■There is[are] ~.
There is a cafeteria at our school.
There are various seafood dishes on our menu.
■ 조동사 can
I can even make Bibimbap.
Lesson 4 A Story of Wisdom
■슬픔, 불만족, 실망의 원인 묻고 답하기
A : What’s the matter?
B : I have a lot of homework.
■유감이나 동정 표현하기
A : I hurt my foot.
B : I’m sorry to hear that.
■be동사와 일반동사의 과거형
He was busy all day.
He cleaned the house and cooked dinner for them.
■조동사 will
I’ll try again.
Lesson 5 We Are a Team
■위치 말하기
A : Where are the birds?
B : They are on the ground.
■행동 묘사하기
A : What is Sam doing?
B : He is walking the dog.
A meerkat is standing straight up.
■감각동사 + 형용사
They look relaxed.
Lesson 6 Save Energy, Save the Earth
■제안하고 답하기
A : Why don’t we walk to school?
B : That’s a good idea.
■지시하고 답하기
A : Recycle plastic bottles, please.
B : Okay, I will.
Take a short shower.
Do not open the refrigerator door too often.
■접속사 when
Turn off the TV when you aren’t watching it.
Lesson 7 My Future Dream
■관심사 묻고 답하기
A : What are you interested in?
B : I’m interested in magic tricks.
■장래 희망 묻고 답하기
A : What do you want to be in the future?
B : I want to be a tour guide. I want to travel to many new places.
■목적어로 쓰인 to부정사 (명사적 용법)
I want to be a dog trainer.
Making a robot will not be easy.
Lesson 8 Science All Around
■선택 묻고 답하기
A : Which is heavier, the red apple or the green apple?
B : The red one is heavier than the green one.
■이유 묻고 답하기
A : Why are you in a hurry?
B : It’s because I got up late.
■형용사의 비교급
Air is lighter than water.
■접속사 because
Both cans will float because they are very light.
Lesson 9 A Walk into History
A : Look at the doll.
B : What a cute doll! / How cute!
■계획 묻고 답하기
A : What are you going to do in the Korean Folk Village?
B : I’m going to ride a horse.
■수여동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어
A guide gives Tony a cheongsachorong .
How wonderful (it is)!
Special Lesson
Do You Want to Enjoy Art More?
중3 천재 정사열 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문 pdf
중3 천재 정사열 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전단원 대화문 본문 pdf
Lesson 1 Express Your Feelings 의사소통기능 ■기쁨이나 슬픔에 대해 묻기 How are you feeling? ■기쁨 표현하기 I’m glad to hear that. 언어형식 ■간접의문문 Everyone knows what it means. ■관계대명사의 계속적 용
중1 영어 교과서 금성 (최인철) e-book
영어는 세계적으로 사용되는 언어로, 많은 국가에서 학습이 필수적입니다. 한국에서도 중학교 1학년부터 영어를 학습하는데, 이 때 사용되는 교과서 중 하나가 바로 '금성'입니다. 이번에는 금
영어1 지학 민찬규 2과 본문 한줄 해석 Eat with Your Eyes!
영어1 지학 민찬규 2과 본문 한줄 해석 Eat with Your Eyes!
Lesson 2 From Palette to Plate: Food as Art 본문 Eat with Your Eyes! 눈으로 먹기! Food elicits many different reactions in people. 음식은 사람들에게서 여러 다양한 반응을 이끌어낸다. Some people are drawn by taste, of course.
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