2023 수능특강 영어 26강 컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통
26강 컴퓨터, 인터넷, 정보, 미디어, 교통 Gateway 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Some of the most insightful work on information seeking emphasizes “strategic self-ignorance,” understood as “the use of ignorance as an excuse to engage excessively in pleasurable activities that may be harmful to one’s future self.” The idea here is that if people are present-biased, they might avoid information that would ____________..
2023 수능특강 영어 23강 음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축
23강 음악, 미술, 영화, 무용, 사진, 건축 Gateway Henry Moore에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Henry Moore (1898 –1986), one of the most significant British artists of the 20th century, was the seventh child of a coal miner. Henry Moore showed a talent for art from early on in school. After World War I, during which he volunteered for army service, Moore began to study sculpture at the Leeds School of Art. Then, he e..