Lesson 1 Young Enough to Change the World
■의향 말하기
A : What’s your plan for this year?
B: I’m thinking of taking swimming lessons.
■도움 제안하기
A : Do you want me to fix it?
B: Yes, please.
■관계대명사 what
What you do today can change the world.
■접속사 although
Although they are only teenagers, they have actually made a difference in the world.
중3 미래엔 최연희 1과 본문 변형문제 - 영어과외TV
Lesson 1 Young Enough to Change the World
Lesson 2 Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
■이유 묻기
What makes you want to go there?
■허락 요청하기
A : Do you mind if I sit here?
B: No, not at all. Go ahead.
■it ~ that[who] … 강조용법
It is we who are the finest smiths.
■관계대명사의 계속적 용법
Thor soon found Loki, who was drinking at home.
중3 미래엔 최연희 2과 교과서 변형문제 - 영어과외TV
Lesson 2 Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
Lesson 3 Plants That Feed Us
■안부 묻고 답하기
A : Is something wrong?
B: I have a bad fever.
■조언 구하기
What do you think I should do?
■「관계대명사 + be동사」 생략
He ate a basket of tomatoes in front of many people watching him.
■강조의 do
Spinach does have a lot of nutrients.
Lesson 4 This is Korea
■궁금한 것 묻고 답하기
A : I wonder why he is running.
B: I think he is late for school.
■설명 요청하기
A : Could you explain what this is?
B: It’s a traditional Korean hat. It’s called a gat.
She kept laughing even after she had been in the water for over five hours.
They didn’t understand why I wanted to take their pictures.
Lesson 5 A Journey into Your Mind
I’m worried about Sports Day.
■의무 부인하기
You don’t have to clean the classroom.
Feeling nervous, Jisu was carefully studying her notes in her chair.
■not only A but also B
His rival became not only a political supporter but also a good friend.
Lesson 6 Find Your Passion
■불만족 표현하기
I’m not satisfied with this T-shirt.
■다짐 말하기
I promise I won’t be late again.
He wanted to create a place where people could try his innovative food.
■접속 부사 however, thus
Some dishes were even decorated with flowers. Customers, however, were unhappy.
He wanted to cook much more quickly and easily. Thus, he invented new machines for his kitchen.
Lesson 7 Wit And Wisdom
■이해 확인하기
Do you mean we should not judge others by their looks?
■바람·소원 표현하기
I wish I could sing like Jiho.
■소유격 관계대명사
Among them was a man whose name was Raja Birbal.
■가정법 과거
If I were you, I would give him sweets.
고등영어 능률 양현권 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전체 본문
고등영어 능률 양현권 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 전체 본문
고등학교 영어 교과서 능률 양현권 전체 본문 영어 텍스트 자료 공유합니다. Lesson 1 Where Should I Begin? It Starts from Inside of Me https://youtu.be/59jKNJ67OpU Lesson 2 Be Smart, Be Healthy Be Smart, Be Healthy https://youtu.b
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고1 금성 최인철 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 7과 8과 9과 10과 전체 본문
고등학교 1학년 영어 교과서 금성 출판사 최인철 전단원 본문 영어 텍스트 자료 공유합니다. 직접 편집한 자료이니 안심하시고 사용하세요~~ Lesson 1 Getting Off to a Great Start 한국 고등학생이 영어
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영어1 시사 박준언 본문 pdf 1과 2과 3과 4과 5과 6과 전단원
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